SKIN PEN Precision System
Skin Pen Precision System is the first Class II, FDA cleared microneedling device. Micro-Needling (also known as Collagen Induction Therapy or CIT) is a cosmetic treatment for the appearance of fine lines, acne scars, neck lines, and improvement of the skin’s overall appearance.
During this treatment, tiny needles are used to create controlled micro-injuries to the skin in order to naturally produce collagen and elastin. The skin’s repair process results in improvement in fine lines, scars, and over the next 4 weeks, helps shrink pores and improve skin tone and texture. Skin Pen micro-needling also creates superficial micro-channels which can be used with topical gels, creams and serums to help improve the appearance of the epidermal layer of the skin. The SkinPen microneedling device causes controlled micro-injuries that stimulate the body’s natural wound healing process. The micro-injuries trigger the release of cytokines and growth factors that lead to remodeling of collagen and elastin.
Inflammation: Penetration of the skin’s surface trigger the immune system’s response to disinfect wounds, remove debris, increase blood flow and begin to create new tissue.
Proliferation: The wound is rebuilt with new granulation cells, collagen and elastin. Additionally, a new network of blood vessels develops.
Remodeling: The wound created by the micro-punctures has been replaced with new dermal tissues (collagen and elastin) and blood vessels. These changes improved skin quality, acne scarring, and neck wrinkles, causing the skin to appear smoother, brighter, and younger.