Do not massage, apply pressure, or manipulate the area injected. Scratching and/or washing the face is fine.
Avoid applying makeup immediately after injection. The microscopic holes are still closing! We wouldn’t want any bacteria on the skin to get inside them.
Keep your head elevated for the next 2 hours.
Avoid exercise for 24 hours. Walking, cleaning, and general daily activities are fine.
Avoid getting a facial, massage, or any other activity where you are lying face down or having pressure applied to your face for 2 days.
Tylenol can be used for any soreness. Avoid any blood thinners prior to and 1 day after injection. Do not stop any medication prescribed by your Physician.
It will take 3 to 7 days to start to take effect and will improve up to 2 weeks. Results are expected to last 3-4 months. There are factors that can affect longevity. Discuss with your provider if you have any concerns.
Make an appointment for follow up in 2 weeks if needed. Once the muscle movement has stopped, that is all of the improvement that is possible from that treatment. It is recommended to continue to be consistent with treatments for lines to continue to improve.
Call 813-498-9563 for any questions or concerns.
Do not massage, apply pressure, or manipulate the area injected unless directed by the provider.
Ice or cold pack can be applied for 10 minutes on and off for 24 hours to minimize inflammation.
Avoid extensive sun exposure, hot showers, and heat for 2 days.
Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 2 days.
Sleep elevated for 2-3 days to decrease swelling if possible.
Avoid dental work for 1 month before or after Injections. Dental cleanings should be at least 2 weeks before or after injections.
If possible, try to sleep on your back.
Avoid vaccines 1 month before or after Filler.
Avoid getting a massage or any other activity where you are lying face down for 2 weeks.
Use Tylenol as needed for any soreness. Avoid any blood thinners for 2 weeks prior to injections, if possible, and 2 days afterwards. Do not stop medications prescribed by a Physician.
Avoid Alcohol for the first 2 days.
After several weeks, filler will integrate into your tissue and feel softer and more natural. The product is not disappearing, it is dispersing.
Make an appointment for follow up in 2 weeks if needed.
Call or text 813-498-9563 for any questions or concerns.
Massage injected areas for 5 minutes, 5 times a day, for 5 days. This is very important to avoid the risk of nodule formation and to ensure product disperses properly.
We recommend a protein or amino acid supplement at least during the first one to four months after injection. Juven Therapeutic is a highly recommended product.
Ice or cold pack can be applied for 10 minutes on and off for the first 24 hours.
Avoid extensive sun exposure while bruising is present.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 3 days.
Anti-inflammatory medication use can be resumed 2 days post-injection. Do not stop any medications prescribed by your Physician.
Sleep elevated for 2-3 days, if possible to decrease swelling.
Make a follow-up appointment as needed.
Re-injection is done between 1 and 3 months. Typically, we prefer to re-inject at 2 months. We will plan to treat every two months until desired correction and then maintain yearly.
Call 813-498-9563 for any questions or concerns.
Avoid massaging or manipulating the area injected.
Use Tylenol as needed for any soreness. Avoid any blood thinners if possible. Do not stop any medications prescribed by your Physician.
An ice or cold pack should be applied for 10 minutes on and off for 24 hours to decrease swelling and soreness. Avoid extensive exposure.
Avoid excessive sun exposure and heat for 2 days.
Avoid applying makeup for 24 hours.
Avoid strenuous exercise for 2 days. Then may proceed as tolerated.
Sleep elevated for 2-3 days to decrease swelling if possible.
Avoid getting a massage or any other activity where you are lying face down for 2 weeks.
Aspirin or anti-inflammatory medication use can be resumed 2 days post-injection.
Avoid Alcohol for the first 2 days.
Make an appointment for another session or follow-up in 4-6 weeks if needed.
Call or text 813-498-9563 if you have any questions or concerns.
Do not take any anti-inflammatory medications for 1-2 days after the procedure.
Do not use ice on your face, and avoid using arnica/bromelain. These may interfere with the natural inflammatory process that’s critical for your skin rejuvenation.
Avoid sun tanning and prolonged exposure to direct sunlight for at least 2 weeks. After 24 hours, always use sunblock (30 SPF or higher) and wear a hat if you’re outside.
You may take Tylenol, if needed, if you experience any soreness. This should be mild.
Day 1-3
A sunburn-like effect is normal. Your skin may feel tight, dry or sensitive to touch. Treat the skin gently by washing it with a gentle cleanser, cool water, and using only your hands to pat dry no earlier than 4 hours after treatment.
Some redness may also be present and in some cases, patients may experience slight bruising that can last for 5-7 days and temporary swelling for 2-4 days.
Avoid strenuous exercises that cause sweating, as well as, hot tubs, saunas, and steam baths for up to 48 hours.
Use only mineral makeup after 24 hours.
Sleep on your back with the head of the bed elevated to minimize swelling or pain as needed.
Day 2-7
Peeling/Flaking may start 3-5 days after the treatment. You’ll notice skin dryness and flaking which is due to an increased turnover of skin cells. DO NOT pick, scratch, or scrub at treated skin. Allow the old skin to flake off naturally and keep it moisturized at all times. Talk to your provider about which products to use.
Day 5-7
You may start your regular skin care products again, once your skin no longer feels irritated. Most of our patients have noticed continued skin improvement over the months following their last treatment.
We recommend repeat microneedling treatments every 4-6 weeks, with a series of 3-5 treatments depending on your treatment plan.
You will experience a burning sensation on the skin that will last between 30 minutes and up to 3-4 hours following your treatment on the first day.
Use an ice pack every several hours for swelling and discomfort if needed
Every several hours cover the treated areas with Aquaphor, from your CO2 kit. This will decrease the healing time and minimize discomfort such as itching
If necessary, as directed by your physician take acetaminophen or pain reliever of physician’s choice.
The morning after treatment cleanse your skin twice a day using Cetaphil, from your CO2Kit. Avoid hot water. Do not scrub treated area. Fingertips only!
After your face has been washed, reapply light layer of Aquaphor for moisture.
Reapply to treated sites several times a day, or more frequently, if tightness is noticed.
Eye Area: Treatment to the upper eye lids may result in swelling and create a slight squint. Redness may persist up to 3 days. Cleanse your eyes with cool water and dab or pat very lightly with a soft towel. Avoid hot water. Lubricating the eye with drops (i.e. artificial tears) will help to decrease the dryness of your eyes, if needed.
If the skin around the mouth is tight, minimize facial expressions, remember to moisturize as needed and use a straw to drink.
Rest. Avoid strenuous exercise, bending, straining, for 1 week after procedure. These activities may cause more swelling and pain on your face and slow down your recovery.
Sleep at a slightly elevated position. Using 2-3 pillows under your head & neck or sleep a few nights in a reclining chair if swelling is bothersome.
Avoid sun exposure for at least three months. A sunscreen of SPF 30 or higher should be applied every day. Use a hat and sunglasses. Your skin is extremely vulnerable to the sun after having a laser treatment.
Protecting your skin and limiting sun exposure ensures the best cosmetic results.
Following treatment, normal activities may resume per level of comfort. However, no swimming or using hot tubs/whirlpools while redness is present, usually for at least 24-48 hours.
Once you feel comfortable and healed, a normal skin care regime, including makeup or shaving, can be resumed. Be careful water is not too hot when shaving.
Call the office immediately if problems of increased pain, fever, drainage of pus, signs of infection or bleeding occur.
Please do not hesitate to call our office anytime if you have questions or concerns regarding your treatment
The natural extrinsic consequences of aging on skin include sun damage, freckles, age spots, and redness caused by broken capillaries and rosacea. Some skin defect consequences may arise from intrinsic hormonal factors that create an over production of melanin as in melasma or hereditary factors that produce more vessels. Phototherapy involves the reduction of these signs of aging and skin defects using non-invasive pulses of BroadBand Light (BBL).
If brown spots are the target, BBL penetrates the skin to reach the melanocytes. The particles of the cells left behind will peel or slough off within 7-14 days.
If redness is the target, blood vessels in the deeper layers of the skin absorb the light and the heat created by the light damages the vessels. The vessels are shut down and the body continues to absorb the destroyed vessel remnants. You may have mild swelling due to the absorption of heat and it is possible to have mild bruising.
There is no recovery time and a low risk of complications with Phototherapy treatments. Multiple sessions are performed every 2-4 weeks until the desired result has been achieved.
The treated area must be treated with care. BE GENTLE! Do not scratch or pick at your skin. Allow pigmentation to slough off on its own. Do NOT scrub or exfoliate.
Until sensitivity has completely subsided, avoid all of the following:
Use of scented lotions or soaps, exfoliant creams (Retin-A, glycolic/salicylic and alpha- hydroxy acids), acne creams or gels, loofa sponges and aggressive scrubbing
Hot or cold water - wash with tepid water
Swimming pools/spas with chemicals/chlorine
Activities that cause excessive perspiration
A cold compress or an ice pack can be used to provide comfort if the treated area is especially warm. This is typically only needed within the first 12 hours after the treatment or unless swelling is noted.
Skin may be appear red and swollen and have a mild sunburn sensation. This is a normal reaction. It can last from a few hours to days after treatment. Applying an ice pack for the first 24 hours will help minimize swelling.
Apply gentle moisturizers only. Post treatment discomfort is typically minimal but if the area is very uncomfortable, oral pain relievers (i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol) may be used.
Freckles and sunspots may turn slightly darker initially and then flake off within 7-14 days. This is a desired and normal reaction.
There may be erythema (redness) and slight edema (swelling) around the treated vessels. Often, they are lighter in appearance and look somewhat smudgy or less defined.
Makeup may be applied immediately after the treatment, as long as, skin integrity has not been compromised.
In the unusual case of crusting of the skin in the treated area, apply an antibiotic ointment (polysporin) twice a day to the affected areas. Do not pick at these areas, as this may result in infection or scarring.
If the skin is broken or a blister appears, apply an antibiotic ointment and contact the office immediately. Keep the affected area moist and avoid direct sunlight.
Strictly avoid any sun exposure to the treated area for a minimum of 7 - 14 days after the procedure. The treated area is more prone to sunburn and pigmentation change. Keep the area covered and use a sun block with a protection factor of 30+, and reapply every 2 hours. Delayed blistering secondary to sun exposure has been noted up to 72 hours post treatment.
If in the middle of a series of Phototherapy treatments, sun exposure should be avoided between treatments and a sunblock should be used on a daily basis.
Subsequent treatments are based upon your clinician’s recommendation and are typically 2-4 weeks apart.
It’s important to avoid big facial expressions (big smiles and yawns) and excessive neck movements after the procedure for about 2 weeks to minimize stress on the lift until the threads are more incorporated into the tissue.
Other after-care instructions include:
Keep your face (and/or neck) clean right after the procedure and don’t wear makeup. You may wash your face the next day and use make-up, if needed.
Try to sleep face-up and elevated on pillows for the next 3 days to minimize swelling and pressure on the treatment areas.
Avoid rubbing the face aggressively when washing, shaving and drying for the next 5 days. Be gentle and don’t push too hard in your treatment areas.
Avoid high impact sports (such as running), strenuous exercise or heavy lifting for 1-2 weeks, as they may create too much facial and neck movement.
Don’t use saunas for at least 2 weeks.
Avoid dental procedures for two weeks that will require you to open your mouth widely.
Avoid facedown massages and skin treatments for 4 weeks.
Periodically ice the treatment area for the next 2 days to minimize swelling and discomfort.
Arnica tablets are recommended to use after the procedure to minimize bruising. You can also take Arnica tablets before and after the thread lifting procedure and use topical arnica ointments after the procedure.
Tylenol can be taken as needed for relief of post-procedure discomfort.
CONGRATULATIONS...you have decided to get the Halo™ Glow and say ‘Halo’ Gorgeous!
Halo is the first hybrid fractional laser using 1470nm non-ablative and 2940nm ablative laser wavelengths. The outcomes are based on the depth and density of the treatment taking into account your skin concerns, the health of your skin and your individual healing ability. Response can vary after a Halo fractional treatment. These instructions are intended to guide you through the post-care treatment and get you on your way to gorgeous!
What to Expect & What You Should Do:
FEELING OF WARMTH: The treated area may be extremely warm for 12-24 hours after the treatment.
Cold compresses may provide comfort during this time. Also, a mineral water spray might provide some relief and much needed moisture to the skin.
REDNESS (ERYTHEMA): Redness is normal and expected. Redness generally increases in intensity for the first few days after treatment with day 3 usually being the most intense. Redness can persist for up to 7 days depending on the treatment.
Allow skin to heal and don’t put further stress on your skin. Use gentle cleansers and keep skin moisturized and out of the sun.
PINPOINT BLEEDING: Pinpoint Bleeding may occur. This can last for a few hours up to 12 hours. Dab with damp gauze.
SWELLING (EDEMA): Immediately after treatment, swelling is common and expected.
Use of a cold compress will help to relieve the swelling. To avoid further swelling, you may choose to sleep in an upright position the first night after the treatment. The first morning post treatment is when swelling is more prevalent, especially under the eyes. Swelling may last 2-4 days.
MENDS: MENDS (microscopic epidermal necrotic debris) will appear on the 2nd or 3rd day after treatment as tiny dark spots and bronzed appearance to the treated skin.
MENDS are part of the healing process where treated tissue is working its way out of your body as new fresh skin is regenerated. During this time, your skin will be very dry and feel like sandpaper before flaking and peeling off. Keep your skin well moisturized to support the healing process.
Post-treatment Skin Care:
Just as important as the treatment, is the care for your skin post-treatment.
CLEANSING: Cleanse the skin two times a day with plain, lukewarm water and a gentle cleanser, two times beginning the morning after the treatment. Use your hands and use gentle patting motions. DO NOT rub, scrub, use an exfoliant or a skin care brush, e.g. Clarisonic in the treated area.
MOISTURIZER: Moisturizer should be applied generously over treated area and reapplied whenever your skin feels dry.
SUNSCREEN: Sunscreen is a MUST and should be used daily beginning the day of treatment and used consistently for up to 3 months post procedure. Use sunscreen with Broadband UVA and UVB protection and a SPF of 30. Ensure to reapply during sun exposure.
For general post-treatment discomfort, an over the counter oral pain reliever, i.e. Extra Strength Tylenol might be prescribed by your doctor. If an anti-viral was prescribed, continue to take as directed.
Avoid scratching and itching, as scarring and pigmentation complications can occur. Itching can be relieved by oral Benadryl, but can cause drowsiness.
WARNING: There may be some degree of swelling immediately post-treatment, however if you experience excessive swelling or any of the following signs of infection, you should contact the office immediately. Signs of infection include:
- Drainage – looks like pus
- Increased warmth at or around the treated area
- Fever of 101.5 of higher
- Extreme itching
• Use soft cloth and soft towels to avoid any scrubbing.
• Make-up can typically be worn once the peeling process is complete.
• Wear a wide-brimmed hat or clothing for 2 months post treatment to avoid blistering, scarring, hyperpigmentation and hypopigmentation.
• When showering, avoid getting shampoo directly on the treated area.
• Avoid strenuous exercise and sweating until after skin has healed.